The Brief

Midland Railway Workshops. Image courtesy of FORM.

This international collaborative project is based in the Department of Architecture and Interior Architecture - School of Built Environment (SoBE) Curtin University (Perth, Australia) and Department of Architecture – Politecnico Di Torino (Torino, Italy).

This Perth-Torino Think Tank joint design research studio is envisaged as having shared objectives, organisational structures and modus operandi at both locations – in Italy and Australia.
Both Torino and Perth are epicentres of social, cultural and economic activities. Perth-Torino Think Tank considers Torino and Perth as knowledge centres where there is great opportunity to develop collaborative research in architecture and urban design. Identifying potential areas of research will begin with the 2014 Torino-Curtin Design Studio.

This International Masters Studio, that includes international tutors together with Curtin Faculty, will be supported on the web with an Interactive NewsBlog on Wordpress and a digital diary accessible to participants only.

The first Perth-Torino Think Tank joint design studio will examine the possibilities of the Midland area to the east of central Perth. It is recognized that Midland has a strategic role in demonstrating how Greater Metropolitan Perth can grow compact. Midland has all the qualities that could make it both an urban hub and a regional centre as it has important links to surrounding employment, residential areas, a town centre precinct, rail connection to Perth City and ready access to the food basket of Perth. Enhancing agribusiness in Midland has the potential to provide a unique and exciting identity to the regeneration of Midland.

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